25 Altura
165 CM Peso
54 KG Tamanho do busto
If you get in contact with a profile on we recommend that you never send money in advance especially if the advertisers ask to pay with any kind of Gift Card, Bing card, NEOSURF coupons, PCS coupons, Google play card, Western Union etc. They could be scammers. They will take your money and will never respond to your messages.
If someone asks you to go to any website outside of and wants you to sign up with your credit or debit card, don’t do that. These website can store your card details to make unauthorized payments. Try to stay away from such scammers.
If you send money in advance it is always at your own risk and nobody can guarantee that you will receive the service. We do recommend paying cash in person if asked for money and you agree.
Do Not Ignore This Warning. is not responsible for any fraudulent behavior of these scammers. In case you come across a profile of a girl who acts like a scammer, please, report the profile using the „Report Profile“ button in the girl’s profile or contact our support team so we can deactivate and black list such advert.
We do recommend booking verified escorts. The chance of the verified girls trying to scam you is very minimal but this is still at your own risk.
Siga as diretrizes e leis governamentais. Este site foi criado e deve ser usado apenas por adultos. Todos os modelos listados neste site confirmaram que têm 18 anos de idade ou mais. O site apenas disponibiliza espaço publicitário para modelos e não se responsabiliza pelo acordo discricionário entre as partes que se contactam através do site. Não temos nenhuma conexão ou compromisso com quaisquer indivíduos ou conexões com as quais você possa acessar a partir deste portal.
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